‘Hospitality & Retail’ Category

Bathing Showers and Sloped Floors
Shower floors in roll-in showers can be a challenge meeting both the needs for Access and for drainage.

Handrails with Crash Rails and Bumper Guards
What are crash rails and bumper guards and what is the difference? What are the exceptions under the ADA Standards 505.6 for gripping surfaces on handrails?

Restaurant, Bar, & Cafeteria Design Considerations
Some of the main issues for restaurant, bar, and cafeteria design have to do with circulation paths, accessible routes, and counters.

Pop-Up Restaurants and What You Need to Know About Access
Janis Kent, Architect, FAIA, CASp © September, 2020 With the continuation of our on-going plague, many restaurants are taking their seating area out to the public sidewalks, parking areas, and even onto the streets. While the concept of pop-up restaurants has been around for a while, it has evolved as a temporary outdoor add-on to existing […]

Blocking for Grab Bars – What is There to Know?
Recently something has come to my attention, namely what are the requirements for blocking for grab bars? When I review drawings I typically see the bar location specified and then a graphic rectangle to show diagrammatically the extent of the backing. But I have rarely seen the size of the actual blocking or its specific location and attachment.

Toilet Rooms in California Restaurants & Other Food Facilities
Any restaurant that has on-site food consumption, regardless of size, is required to have toilet rooms for the public and consumers. This article is based on the revised code effective January 1, 2019 and incorporates some of the earlier requirements.

Counters and Work Surfaces for Sales/Service and Dining/Bar — What Is Required?
Discussion has come up of what is allowed or required for a bar or dining surface and how does this differ from a sales or service counter. Many times these two requirements are confused with each other. Some of the main questions are, what is required if there is a split-height counter and what about the required clear floor space.

The Lavatory — Clear Floor Spaces, Reach Ranges, & Protruding Objects
Lavatories have some of the more involved clearances below which impact reach ranges above. The question of why is this important to understand might be arising in your thoughts. The answer is the impact on the location of faucet controls, soap dispensers, and any other built-in items including electrical outlets and switches.

Single User Toilet Rooms in California
Earlier this year a law was passed in California stating that all single user toilet rooms are to be unisex — in other words we will no longer have a men’s restroom or a women’s restroom for one user. Since the rooms are required to have privacy locks they can now be used by either sex.

Sinks, Sinks, Sinks, and Lavs – What needs to be done?
Sinks have many differing requirements depending upon how they are being used including types of approach, cabinetry below or not, and even the number required to be accessible. Following is a summary of different sink types and their uses that will hopefully shed some light on the issue and requirements for each.