‘Doors’ Category

Doors and Gates – What they need for ongoing maintenance
The question has come up as to whether manual doors need to be maintained to be accessible. And the answer is – yes, absolutely.

Beyond Access: MCD Magazine on Healthcare Facilities and ADA Compliance
In the March/April edition of Medial Construction Design magazine, Janis Kent is quoted in an article titled Code Matters, the article covers navigating the road to resolve healthcare door accessibility and life safety threats.
Doors – Power Assist and Low Energy
Pedestrian doors and gates come in many varieties whether – sliding, swinging, or folding and whether manual at one side of the spectrum to fully Power Operated at the other side. In between, we have Power Assist and Low Energy doors. It is these latter two types which have generated confusion and which we will look at including the signage requirements.
Locks, Keys, & Hardware
A good percentage of all doors and gates have some form of locking device other than a latch. Americans with Disabilities Act Standards (ADAS) basically includes locks within the hardware section stating it should be located between 34” and 48 “ above the finished floor or ground. California on the other hand allows a maximum […]
Signs and Things – Types
In a previous article I provided an overview of the component pieces that go into signs. So the next question is, what components go into what kinds of signs? There are many sign types, each with their own requirements and exceptions. In order to understand some of the requirements the Components article should also be […]
Signs and Things – Components
One of the most forgotten elements is signage. Basically it can be divided into three groups – permanent room signs, way-finding, and informational signs, but there are other types as well. Permanent room signs also have requirements for installation location with criteria for clear floor space in front. Height requirements have now been changed with […]