‘Building Elements & Interiors’ Category

Psychology of Space – and why is this important
When providing spaces in architecture and the outdoors, for the most part, we are problem-solving, whether it is about budgets and programming, or codes and access.

Manufactured Tubs & Showers with Integral Surrounding Walls – What Do You Need to Know About Their Grab Bars?
An item that has come up a number of times is tubs and showers that come with integral manufactured surrounding walls that do not necessarily meet the ADA requirements for grab bars even though the manufacturer states they do. It is important that grab bar blocking and its attachments be engineered to meet the vertical and horizontal force of 250 lbs. This is an important element that should not be left to rule of thumb and should be carefully engineered and tested to meet the exact regulation and code requirements.

Countertop Requirements for Accessible Kitchens Under ADA
Counters come in many varieties from transaction to service to work surfaces just to name a few. We will look closer at kitchen countertops located in dwelling units, employee lounges, and common-use spaces.

Lifts vs Elevators – Pros and Cons
The question has come up several times of why and where one would use a wheelchair lift versus an elevator and what would be the advantage of one over the other, presuming there is a choice.

Doors and Gates – What they need for ongoing maintenance
The question has come up as to whether manual doors need to be maintained to be accessible. And the answer is – yes, absolutely.

The Kitchen Sink – or everything you ever wanted to know about faucets
What do you need to provide for an accessible sink? One of the more difficult issues about making a kitchen sink accessible is reaching the faucet controls.

Counters and Work Surfaces for Sales/Service and Dining/Bar — What Is Required?
Discussion has come up of what is allowed or required for a bar or dining surface and how does this differ from a sales or service counter. Many times these two requirements are confused with each other. Some of the main questions are, what is required if there is a split-height counter and what about the required clear floor space.

Closet Space – What Is Required for Access?
Closet space, whether common shared storage for employees, or within mobility feature guest rooms in hotels, student housing, or public dwelling units, needs to be accessible under the ADA.

Kitchen Design Considerations for Aging in Place
When remodeling a kitchen, what are some issues you might consider? We generally think of the appliances and locations, and then the countertop material and color. But there are additional items to consider if this is your forever home or if this is the one and only kitchen remodel you are thinking to do. So what are some issues to consider so the kitchen is useful as you age along with your house?

Washers & Dryers, and Access
This is a relatively simple topic, but I have seen a number of new facilities where these are not specified or installed in a compliant fashion. The ADA standards does not require all of the machines to be accessible. In each accessible space, one minimum is required to be accessible for a dryer and one for a washing machine. And if there are more than 3 washers or 3 dryers, then two are required to be accessible of each. This is applicable whether it is in a laundromat, or a common space laundry room for public residential dwelling units, or student housing at a place of education, or social service center establishment sleeping rooms, or a mobility feature dwelling unit.