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Doors – Power Assist and Low Energy

Posted on January 29th, 2014

Pedestrian doors and gates come in many varieties whether – sliding, swinging, or folding and whether manual at one side of the spectrum to fully Power Operated at the other side. In between, we have Power Assist and Low Energy doors. It is these latter two types which have generated confusion and which we will look at including the signage requirements.

Holidays And Accessibility

Posted on December 15th, 2013

Janis Kent, Architect, CASp © December, 2013 No matter what the holidays are, decorations are part of the celebration. So, since the decorations are temporary, I do not need to worry about access, correct? The answer to that question is no. One needs to be very careful not to block off access whether it is […]

Seating at Tables and Desks – How Much Space Do I Need?

Posted on October 15th, 2013

You are working on seating arrangements and the question is – how much space is necessary at a table or desk for the accessible space. The answer, of course is, it depends. Basically there is one spatial requirement if a wheelchair space is backing up to an accessible route or open aisle verses if the wheelchair space is backed up to a wall or some other object or obstruction.

Mail Boxes – So How High Should They Be?

Posted on September 12th, 2013

Different regulations have varying requirements for installation of mailboxes. The US Postal Services also has a maximum height requirement but this is not in reference to Accessibility features. In order to determine installation requirements you will need to know which regulations need to be adhered to. In Residential projects there may actually be several regulations having jurisdiction over a project, so you would pick the one that is most restrictive and providing greatest access.

The Accessible Restroom Compartment – A Room Within A Room

Posted on August 6th, 2013

Restrooms are one of the more difficult rooms to design having numerous specific requirements, similar to fitting pieces together of a large jig-saw puzzle. Solve one requirement and it is likely a new dimensional issue may arise. When we are talking about minimizing space as much as possible it adds another layer of complexity. I will just address the accessible toilet stall within a multi-accommodation toilet room and what needs to be included for new construction or alteration.

Locks, Keys, & Hardware

Posted on July 9th, 2013

A good percentage of all doors and gates have some form of locking device other than a latch. Americans with Disabilities Act Standards (ADAS) basically includes locks within the hardware section stating it should be located between 34” and 48 “ above the finished floor or ground. California on the other hand allows a maximum […]

Working Out of Home & Accessibility

Posted on June 7th, 2013

With the change in economy over recent years, more and more people are working out of home. It saves on expense, it saves on commuting time, and it allows you to work around the clock which has both its advantages and disadvantages. The question that should come up, but maybe doesn’t is, ‘Do I need […]

Leases & Accessibility – What now?

Posted on May 6th, 2013

With the passing of California Senate Bill 1186 and its affect on the Civil Code, there are numerous questions about new lease requirements. Basically if you lease any commercial property from July 1, 2013 onwards, the lease form or rental agreement will need to state whether the property being leased has had a CASp inspection. […]

Employees Only

Posted on April 4th, 2013

Janis Kent, FAIA, Architect, CASp © 2013, Updated March, 2021 So the question that often comes up is, what do we do for employee only spaces? And the answer is, it depends on whether it is an existing employee only space or a new/altered employee only space, whether it is an employee only work area […]

Lighting – Let the Sun In!

Posted on March 5th, 2013

We have heard so much about sun light not being good for us that we have missed the impact of natural light, in particular narrow spectrum blue light, and what it can do for our health and even well-being. We have also become energy efficient with lower artificial lighting levels inside that could adversely affect […]

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